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Elul Sale Announcement: Twelve Seforim recommendations


Elul Sale Announcement: Twelve Seforim recommendations

By Eliezer Brodt

In this post I would like to highlight and briefly describe a select list of seforim, some of which are brand new and others are a few years old. Several seforim are mentioned here due to relation to this time of year [i.e. Elul and Tishrei related] and for various reasons did not receive proper notice.

The first title I would like to mention is:

שערי תפילה ומועד, אסופת מאמרים, תשפ”ד, 662 עמודים

I am very happy to announce the recent publication (and Sale) of an important work, titled Sharei Tefilah Umoed, which will be of great interest to readers of the Seforim Blog, by Professor Yaakov Shmuel Spiegel, of Bar-Ilan University’s Talmud department. As I have written in the past:

Professor Spiegel is one of the most prolific writers in the Jewish academic scene, authoring of over 160 articles and 18 books (16 of those are publications for the first time of works which remained in manuscript). Many suspect that he knows the secrets of Hashba’at Hakulmos (automatic writing) (about which see here).

His articles cover an incredibly wide range of subjects related to many areas of Jewish Studies, including history of Rishonim, piyutim authored by Rishonim, bibliography and minhagim, to name but a few. His uniqueness lies not only in the range of topics but also that his work has appeared in all types of publications running the gamut from academic journals such as Kiryat Sefer, Tarbiz, Sidra, Alei Sefer, Assufot, Teudah, Kovetz Al Yad and also in many prominent Chareidi rabbinic journals such Yeshurun, Yerushaseinu, Chitzei Giborim, Moriah, Sinai and Or Yisroel. It is hard to define his area of expertise; he appears to be an expert in every area he writes about!

Worth noting that recently, thanks to the hard work of a dear friend of mine, all of his published articles are available for free download here.

He has edited and printed from manuscript many works of Rishonim and Achronim on Masseches Avos and the Haggadah Shel Pesach. He is of the opinion, contrary to that of some other academics, that there is nothing non-academic about printing critical editions of important manuscript texts. Although there is a known “belief” in the academic world, “publish or perish,” which at times some claim is the cause of weak articles and books, Spiegel’s prolific output does nothing to damper the quality of his works.

Another point unique to Speigel’s writings, besides his familiarity with all the academic sources, is the great familiarity he displays with all the classic sources from Chazal, Geonim, Rishonim and Achronim, to even the most recent discussions in Charedi literature – this bekius (breadth) was apparent well before the advent of search engines of Hebrew books and Otzar Ha-hochmah. Alongside all this is his penetrating analysis and ability to raise interesting points.

This new volume, Sharei Tefilah Umoed, is a collection of 39 chapters. Thirty chapters were published over the years in various Journals while nine chapters are published here for the first time. Many of the chapters in this volume follow this rubric: a manuscript on a specific, published for the first time, including an introduction devoted to the background of both author and subject. Many of these chapters are related to the month of Tishrei and are great starting points on the various upcoming topics. For those looking for new material specifically suited for this time of year, it’s timely availability for sale is a bonus.

Here are the Table of contents:

Number 2:

מאמר על הדרשות ועל האגדות, לרבינו אברהם בן הרמב”ם, מעתיקה השמועה, בירורים בתולדות חכמי התלמוד ועיונים בדרכי העתקת שמועותיהם, מהדיר: ר’ משה מיימון [מהדורה שנייה עם הוספות ותיקונים[, [תשפ”ד]

This is a second edition with corrections and additions R’ Maimon’s critical edition of R’ Avraham Ben HaRambam’s classic essay on Aggadah. The second part is a small work of Rabbi Moshe Maimon called Mateikeh shmuah, historical essays of great interest and includes notes by R’ Shaul Alter) See here for an Interview with R’ Maimon where we discuss this work.

Rabbenu Avraham’s essay is always relevant but is extra relevant at the moment as Daf Yomi has just finished learning the aggadic suggyot involving Rabbah Bar Bar Chana and will be learning more Aggadah shortly. For more on this and Aggadah in general see my recent presentation on All Daf (Here).

Sample pages are available.

Number’s 3- 6:

Some works by Rabbi Yaakov Stahl, related to the season:

Rabbi Stahl’s work is familiar to many of the blog’s readers; for reviews of some of his earlier works see here, here and here, and see a post of his here.

דרשות לימי התשובה מבית מדרשים של חסידי אשכנז, 11 + עד עמודים, מהדיר: ר’ יעקב סטל

This is a small work of Drashot by Chasidei Ashkenaz related to Teshuvah, published from manuscript and annotated by Rabbi Yakov Stahl.

תשובות רבינו אלעזר מוורמייזא הרוקח‘, ]תשע”ד[, 37+ רח עמודים , מהדיר: ר’ יעקב סטל

This is a Shir of the Rokeach on the topic of Teshuvah published from manuscript by Rabbi Yakov Stahl, which focuses on the different requirements to achieve Teshuvah for various sins. Much has been written about this unique Beis Medrash known as Chasedi Ashkenaz, especially their methods of Teshuvah. This volume will help one get a deeper understanding of their Shitah. The volume includes a useful introduction, numerous notes illuminating each passage with an incredible range of sources and concludes with some very interesting appendixes.

One can find some RH material on his academia page here (Some samples are this, this, this and this).

ריעקב ישראל סטל, נהגו ישראל, עיונים ובירורים בתולדות המנהג וההלכה, חג הסוכות, קכט עמודים + תמונות, ]תש”פ[

This six-chapter work relates to the Yom Tov of Sukkos with particular focus on Daled Minim issues. Here too, Rabbi Yaakov Stahl continues to amaze his readers with his ability to assimilate fascinating material from a wide range of sources. One unique aspect of this work is the over one hundred color illustrations from ancient art graphically illuminating for the reader the author’s proposals.

Sample pages are available.

גנזי חג הסוכות | אסופת גנזים מתורתם של ראשונים בענייני חג הסוכות היוצאים לאור לראשונה מכתבי-יד עם מבואות, ביאורים והערות, עיונים ומפתחות, מהדיר: ר‘ יעקב ישראל סטל, שע עמודים, תשע“ח

A few years back (2018) I mentioned Ginzei Chag HaSukkos. This volume is very similar in style to Kovetz Al Yad; it’s a collection of material by Rishonim, all related to Sukkos, the majority of which is printed here for the first time. Various literary genres are represented in this collection: Halacha, Minhag, Piyut, Philosophy and Kabbalah. Each section includes an introduction detailing its significance and the texts are fully annotated. There is also a twenty-five-page index to the work. Sample pages are available.

Number 7:

ר’ אורי טיגר, קומי אורי: דרך איש \ דרך הקודש [רמבם האיסורי ביאה] \ משפט עשה [בדיני איסור ההליכה לערכאות] \ הטבע הרוחני, [תשפ”ד], מח + קכט, לו, סו עמודים

This is collection of four small seforim by R’ Uri Tieger, published in one volume. R’ Tieger has become famous in recent years for the various videos that he released with him in conversation with R’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. R’ Tieger is a prolific author and in the past year has released a few new works, including a massive work on Rambam Hilchos Korbon Pesach. I will highlight just one of the works in this collection: Derech Ish. This work is devoted to putting together in a unique format the views & methods of the Chazon Ish on many topics. In addition, this work has numerous notes by R’ Chaim Kanievsky.

Sample pages are available.

Number 8:

כל כתבי רבינו מנשה בן מוהרר יוסף בן פורת מאיליא, מרואי ומקבלי תורת רבינו הגר”א מווילנא, כולל כל פרי רבינו בדפוס ובכתב יד, [תשפ”ד], מהדיר: ר’ דוד קמינצקי, תקעב עמודים

I can’t describe my excitement a few months ago when I received an email from the editor that this volume was published. This is the first time all of R’ Menashe MeIlyah’s material is available in one accessible volume. Sadly, some of his work has not survived. This volume, published by R’ Dovid Kamenetsky, one of the world’s leading experts on the Gra and Gra-related material presents all of R’ Menashe’s works, including material published from manuscript. R’ Dovid has spent much time over the years on this very unique Gaon publishing some of his manuscripts and writing articles about him in the journal Yeshurun. This is an extremely important, deep and unique volume from one of the people from the Gra’s Beis Medrash.

Number 9:

ר’ שמריה שמעריל ברנדריס, עיון תפילה,+24 רמג עמודים, תשפ”א

I became very fond of this work few years back after being introduced to it by two different friends while researching two different projects, the Gra and R’ Efrayim Zalman Margolis. This unknown godol was one of the only talmidim of R’ Efrayim Zalman Margolis. It’s a work on siddur and Halacha, full of many nice points. A few years ago, Machon Aleh Zayis asked me to suggest an obscure work worth republishing; I recommended this work. Their team did a great job of publishing an annotated version and I wrote an introduction attempting to explain and outline its significance. In Yeshurun volume 43 (2021) I revisited this and updated the piece with numerous additions [A PDF is available upon request]. This is a chapter of my work on R’ Efrayim Zalman Margolis, which I hope to publish one day IY”H.

Sample pages are available.

Number 10:

ר’ אריה ליב ליפקין, אור היום, [בירור הלכה בענין בין השמשות וצאת הכוכבים…] עם הערות ולוחות כוכבים לאור, מהדיר: ר’ משה ברוך קופמאן, 27 +רנז עמודים

This important but not well-known work by R’ Aryeh Leib Lipkin, originally published in 1901, is about the complex sugyah of Zemanim. R’ Aryeh Leib was a nephew of R Yisroel Salanter. R’ Dovid Kamenetsky wrote a thorough article about this Gaon in Yeshurun 23 (2010). In addition to his greatness in standard learning, he was also an expert in Astronomy and Kabbalah. This new edition was fully annotated by the noted expert on the subject, R’ Moshe Kaufman, in a beautifully produced volume.

Sample pages are available.

Number 11:

רשי השלם, במדבר חלק א, [פ’ במדבר-קרח], מכון אריאל, תשפ”ד, שצ עמודים

Much energy has been spent over the centuries locating Rashi’s sources and understanding his methods. One very valuable tool for understanding Rashi and his sources is a project that began almost forty years ago and slowly has been publishing volumes (to date they have published Eleven volumes). Recently they released part one of Chumash Bamidbar.

Number 12:

ר’ נריה גוטל, רשי צריך עיון – לדרכו של רשי בפירושו לתורה, תשפ”ג, 522 עמודים

One more recent volume related to Rashi is by the prolific R’ Gutel and is extremely useful for those seeking a greater understanding of Rashi on Chumash. R’ Gutel begins the work with a lengthy general introduction about Rashi on Chumash. For each chapter, R’ Gutel chooses one Rashi in the parsha and demonstrates clearly how the various Mefarshim through the ages attempted to deal with the challenges it presents. Through this lens he highlights and carefully analyzes the material, along the way giving one a glimpse into the greatness of Rashi’s work.

Sample pages are available.

Sample pages from each work are available

All Seforim reviewed here can be purchased through me, part of the proceeds helps the efforts of the Seforim Blog.

For more information about purchasing this work, feel free to contact me at Eliezerbrodt@gmail.com

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