The readership of the Seforim Blog are invited to two lectures by the noted author, Rav Yechiel Goldhaber (link), whose respected research and scholarship is well-known to Seforim Blog readers.
1) The first shiur that will be taking place is this Thursday, November 2, 7:30 PM at 1454 54th Street, Brooklyn, NY. Rabbi Goldhaber's speech will be delivered in Yiddish. The subject of this shiur is "Orthodox and Rabbinic Responses to the Balfour Declaration."
This lecture is dedicated לזכר נשמת the late Dr. Shlomo Sprecher ז״ל who coordinated and hosted many of Rabbi Goldhaber’s shiurim.
2) The readership of the Seforim Blog is also invited to a shiur that will be taking place this Sunday November 5, at 8PM. The subject is likewise "Orthodox and Rabbinic Responses to the Balfour Declaration. It will take place in Monsey at Ohr Chaim Learning Center, 20 Forshay Road, (head upstairs). This lecture is in English.
Rabbi Goldhaber has authored many wonderful articles, published important documents and written works on a wide range of topics, among them Minhagei Kehilos about customs, Kunditon (link) about the Titanic and the so-called Cherem on Spain, and two volumes of Ginzei Yehuda, a collection of assorted letters from various rabbis of note.
It should be noted that Rabbi Goldhaber's visit to the United States is connected with raising funds for an upcoming wedding for his daughter, therefore donations are encouraged (albeit not required to attend).